I Drink to My Fallen Kindred, The Leaves
By: Steve Penkevich I. I salute the efforts of trees Stretching towards a sky always out of reach, Disrobing from their gold to Stand...
I Drink to My Fallen Kindred, The Leaves
In Defense of the McPoem
bad partner; on the farm owned by the man who patented velcro
At a Reading; You Walk Away from Your Family
A Girl, or a Ticket
For the other Artists (for Vahni)
The Jumper; How to Garden in the Family Graveyard in Zebulon, North Carolina
Moth Dust
Mountain Laurel; The Sun Here
Directions for When You Leave; I was born out of
Severed; A bullet-train full of celebrities
Selfies in the Sun; Melons
Sundays are for Scalping
Fade Out
The Classroom of Great Currents
flash photography; lockjaw
Honeybees Can Be Trained to Locate Landmines with an Accuracy of Better than 97.5%
All Around Us
Afternoon at an Aesthetic Clinic