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C.N.P Poetry 

Writer's pictureCathexis Northwest Press


By: N. Cuzzi

Don’t read about misery in paradise. The dilation of the sky             the split of the storm I almost fell into it with my golden skin A jellyfish touches a boy a rainbow appears behind the wind blows it on us like paint from shaken whiskers experience is a wishbone I concentrate on making it out of Florida alive on the sun drying the page but how long can we do this? 60 harvests? Until the bridge gives way — takes the bay, takes the beach, the tiki hut with a power outlet, the poolside, my call to a different timezone, this unbelievable green ‘You have to see this,’ I ask anyone here what color this is settle for something less poetic these showers have skinned everything The end of the state has no signpost the cormorant just disappears beneath hundreds of opening eyes how easy this all is at the Marriott, to watch the turn during a sunset, each continent a charm suspended on a cerulean gift bracelet.


N. Cuzzi is poet and musician currently living in the Outer Sunset in San Francisco. He obtained his MFA from St. Mary's College of California in creative writing. He is the creator and curator of the Judah Chapbook Library (#judahchapbooklibrary). He has been published in Red Light lit, White Stag, PROWL UK, and the limited print chapbook entitled 'Bronze Chimes: Poems After Alfred Starr Hamilton.' He is a bookseller.


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