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C.N.P Poetry 

  • Writer's pictureCathexis Northwest Press

Will you accept this blood sacrifice?; That escalated quickly; Get out of my ovaries bro

By: Kristin Hunt

Will you accept this blood sacrifice?

no white terrorists in America

we are so blessed

they are ghosts plain citizens living among us

so just like their bodies

and actions

the sound of their voices of hate

along with their wrongdoings


how bad I want to disappear some days

and to not have my mother called for did she stage it what else did she do

was she a member of a gang who did she hang around and send her nicest portrait

please oh no thanks we will use the nude of her we found or the one of her smoking the

weed or holding a gun the blacks like guns maybe one of her disturbing the

peace you know she a provoker all of them are never in my life have i seen an innocent black

and the other browns are

who you stole the land from, beaten and forced from this land with a vengeance but you love their headdress

labeled a radical, crazy, hijab wearing government enemy but you love their dedication to religion

seen as a leeching illegal immigrant, capable yet disposable in manual labor, but you love their food and pull up a seat every May 5 without fail

the smartest, all hopes are on you for medicine, science, and technology they are all Chinese right, but you love their desire to excel

We are people at the root of it all and

we pay with our lives.

That escalated quickly

my dentist told me I should travel more

because money follows passion most definitely I suppose

I grew up with clothes and food sufficiently yes

but no silver spoon or Daddy Trump handouts to match

let you tell it we grew up the same

but different colors

black people complain too much

they are lazy

and do nothing but kill amongst themselves and others

what is it called

when it’s France vs. England

or Ireland vs. England

or Germany vs. everyone else in the world

white on white violence receives silence

If I kill a black brother it’s damn, why are black women so angry and violent?

yet all men still leave their women out to die

set up to be saviors and you accomplish this for yourself

But again a black woman is saying this she must have come from an unspeakable hell

let us send her back

the truth of her words will not expose us

lock her away

don’t even make a key

Get out of my ovaries bro

when you get to be of a certain age people start to drop the baby jokes

be more like them pop one or two babies out

struggle to pay bills

to live for yourself

to have a relationship with the father

its acceptable that is just how life goes

never mind

your career is nonexistent

babies grow at an alarming rate

you haven’t had time to figure out yourself

let alone someone else

just have a baby it’s so cute

who are you dating it’s always just you

Barren? No?

there has to be some reason why you do not choose

boys and babies at my time for you

maybe I just have a bad case of Love in Excess,

a mockingly selfish bachelorette not willing to have my wants suppressed

So if I never had a child would that render my life meaningless?


Kristin Hunt is a writer and director from Atlanta, GA.She self-published her first chapbook, I’m Much Better on Paper, in 2017, and her poems have been featured in The Write Launch, Reclamation Magazine, and Clover and White literary journal.Hunt graduated from Georgia State University with a Bachelors in Journalism. Throughout college she worked as a Library Assistant and Production Assistant. These days she works as a video producer/creator. In 2018 she released a short film titled, Don't Let it Smoke You: The Documentary. Hunt aims to combine her love for poetry and film to inspire others.

Interview with the Poet:

Cathexis Northwest Press:

How long have you been writing poetry?

Kristin Hunt:

since 2011


Can you remember the first poem you read that made you fall in love with poetry?


Phyllis Wheatley- poems on various subjects


Who are your favorite poets? Any specific poems?


Nikki Giovanni, Sonia Sanchez, Nayyirah Waheed, Jericho Brown, and Anastacia- Renee. Ebo Barton


Can you share for us a little bit about your writing process? Any specific rituals that get you in

the zone?


Music sometimes, I have some really good playlists. But I mostly write to stay sane. Ha.


How do you decide the form for your poems? Do you start writing with a form in mind, or do you let the poem tell you what it will look like as you go?


Sometimes I have a form in mind, but I mostly let it tell me. Poems are from wondering not knowing/projection.


Any advice for poets who have yet to find their voice?


Do not retract your feelings and write what you know.


What is your editing process like?


My editing process cutting words/phrases that I feel won't improve my true feelings. For a full collection I get feedback from other writers. Also reading other's work is perhaps the best editing process. I try to rationalize how they got to this thought, and how it is conveyed.


When do you know that a poem is finished?


When i'm not over explaining, and i feel i don't have to censor. It has all been said.

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