By: Rebecca Thrush
make my lemon water so sweet and tempered
like a tiny drop of
oiled essence into a murky ocean
gentle white strands piecing together the segments
of new releases and
ask me another, Ophira and John
so I hope it’s not too informal to call you that
but these oils make
your very essence slippery
and I don’t quite know how to break through
this sunshined leather
without tooth or nail or knives in hand
so ask me another time, John, to help slice the
daily meat of
my buzz-worthy morning rituals
Rebecca Thrush has poetry published both in print and online with a variety of journals. Most notably, she was featured to be part of Viewless Wing’s 2021 Scary Art Show and Line of Advance’s 2021 Wright Award series. She also has original art online with Decomp Journal.