By: Kurtis Ebeling
Lying in Bed
A thin shade glows with a pale yellow,
draped softly over panes of glass.
Irises drain quietly inward, the room
is emptied, and the darkening lines
between inside and outside are liquid
—closed doors are as vacant as opened.
A tired universe collapses quietly in on itself
with the silent embrace of warm gravity,
and everything remembered waits timidly
for the slightest ray of sleepless light
to elucidate some fractured part of its being:
frameless images and personages seep
further into and swiftly from exposure
as everything begins its falling away
from consciousness—slowly drowning
in unreflective pools of warm water.
Faint and familiar colors bend and fade
softy as the subtlest movements
submerge the eyes and embalm the body.
At each word,
rising gently
from cold lungs,
a vapor lingers,
billowing softly,
for a moment
before fading
into the frozen
air untouched;
nearly nothing
divisible left,
a pale hydrant
and faint chimes
gleam under the
whispered hush
of winter snow.
Kurtis Ebeling is a poet living in Spokane, WA and an MA graduate in English. He received both his BA and MA from Eastern Washington University. Ranging from imagistic and deconstructed to traditional forms, his poems have been published with 86 Logic, Beyond Words Literary Magazine, Black Sunflowers Poetry Press, and Tempered Runes Press. His short collection of poems, Beneath Stretching Pines, is available for sale on Amazon.